Correspondence with the Board of Directors can be accommodated via regular mail to the TTIA PO box. For all correspondence, please include:
The date
A subject line
Your full name and signature
All such correspondence will be treated as official documents and will be recorded accordingly. Email correspondence will not be accepted. Requests for the attention of the board are considered to be official documents and as such should be signed and dated by the sender.
We encourage all members to subscribe to our email list for timely notifications of meetings, documents of general interest to our community, and neighborhood events.
Our Mailing Address is:
Terra Tranquila Improvement Association
PO Box 27-2984
Boca Raton, FL 33427
President: Ryan Donnelly
Vice-President: Stefan Ebert
Secretary: Kathy Braid
Treasurer: Frank Lewis
Directors – Juan Carlos, Tracy, Jeremy
Members are also encouraged to join us for our monthly board meetings
usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Sugar Sand Park*.
*For the safety of the Board and the community members we have moved our meetings to an online platform.
If you are a member and would like to be part of these meetings please fill out the “contact us” form on the email page..